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Congratulations on your new piercing! We at American Piercing know that a lot goes into piercing preparation and just as important, into aftercare as well. Here are some care tips we have found to support optimal healing.

  • Daily Cleaning

New piercings should be cleaned daily with gentle soap and water or similar cleaning solution using a small applicator such as a cotton swab. Be sure to clean both the front and back, or entry and exit, of each piercing thoroughly to remove any dirt, debris, or buildup and dry the areas with an absorbent material that will not leave lint or fragments behind. You should also dry the areas after showering. If you are prone to bleeding or plasma discharge, we recommend using a saline mist or rinse in between cleanings.

  • Prioritize Hygiene

Healing starts from inside out. Ensure you are eating, hydrating, sleeping, and showering properly on a daily basis to promote the best healing possible for your piercing. 

  • Avoid Touch

Refrain from touching new piercings other than during daily cleaning. This includes attempting to twist, turn, or adjust jewelry even to loosen dried blood or plasma around the piercing. Do not sleep on new piercings as this could trap moisture or cause jewelry to get caught on bedding. Remember that your piercing is essentially an open bodily wound that is susceptible to injury and bacterial infections.

  • Do Not Remove Jewelry

During recovery your body simply wants to heal. Never remove jewelry from new piercings as it can begin to close rapidly, making it even more harmful to reinsert. We also do not recommend adding charms or other moving pieces to avoid irritation and abrasion.

  • Avoid Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic products such as powder or liquid make-up, sprays, perfumes, and lotion can irritate piercings and cause unhygienic buildup. Sprays and perfumes may also over-dry skin, which can lead to irritation and poor healing.

  • Seek Help When Needed

If you experience colored discharge, excessive swelling or prolonged pain, always consult your doctor for proper medical advice and care. If you are unsure of healing progress you can also seek guidance from a trusted professional piercer, who should be able to advise when medical intervention may be necessary.